Changing Direction


Once again, thank you for taking the time to look at the things I do. I really appreciate it. I’m changing direction.

As you may have been hearing if you’ve been reading me for the last several years, I bought a LOT of material early in my business, and I’ve been focusing on finding the best way to present that material to you, either as pen collectors or users, but too often my aim was to “highlight the material” or something of that nature. I’m not sure that’s right or true, but I want you to see me get back to the work I originally got into business to do.

The “Zebra G nib in a fountain pen” was my first, most important success and direction; I wanted that nib in a pen that I liked, that I would want to use for myself, and I’ve done that. It’s available (and shall be) for under $100. I’m pleased about that.

My buddy Paul told me the best filling mechanisms on a pen are the ones that you can operate with one hand. At the time, I was thinking about doing that, and eventually I did: A Pump Piston® Soubriquet is the fastest filler you can get in a Desiderata. It’s one of the best. But with all the parts needed, you pay for that. 

So I developed a durable, extensible screw piston filler mechanism I could make that was trustworthy, and could go in a lower cost pen. I have handmade piston filling pens under $200. 

So, what’s next? 

I won’t say right now, but I’ve always been fascinated by an interesting problem, and despite things changing so much in the last 10 years, the problem of–140 years in, in pens, what the hell is worth doing?–is as relevant as ever. The fountain pen, as we know it, is 140 years old this year. What on earth is the point now?

Addressing that problem is why I went into business, and I think there is still work to be done, and I’m going to spend more time on it.

Is this me scheming more ways to convince you to part with your hard-earned money? Yes, of course, but I know it’s got to be worth it. 


as ever, 

Pierre Miller (King of The Desiderata Pen Company)